About University Web Communication Services

Purpose / Mission

University Web Communication Services provides professional services to departments that may not have the need for an in-house Webmaster, but may have periodic needs for their website that go beyond the capabilities of their staff. The Web Services team can handle projects from simple content updates to complete website management. Having a Web Services team that can provide these services helps eliminate the need for customers to hire external consultants while providing a consistent group that is familiar with university web polices, tools, and infrastructure.


The office of Web Communications Services operates as a fee-based group that provides web services to University departments, sponsored programs, and activities on Main Campus, North Campus, and Branch Campuses. Web Services is supported by interdepartmental charges to the customer department’s operating account and as such can only provide services to customers that can be billed by a University Index.

Note: University Web Communication Services does not function as a profit making entity. Our rates are designed to purely cover costs for staff and other expenses.

Service Requests

Web Support Request

Service Hours

Services are available
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
Other times can be scheduled by request.